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Welcome to the Glossary. This is a repository for materials featured as clips in Ghosting the Machine and other essential viewing. Because there are far too many references to load in a single page, this resource is subdivided alphabetically according to the creator's first name and/or handle. Please use the links below to navigate the glossary.


Aaron & Melissa Dykes - TruthStream Media [rumble]

The Minds of Men [2018]

We Were Warned about Computer Driven Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Academy of Ideas - [rumble]

Compliance and Tyranny

Fear Psychosis and the Cult of Safety

Adam Taggart - peakprosperity.com

Financial system "Crash Course"

Amjad Al-Nour & Bassem Youssef - [YT =(] (somebody needs a website or a channel on a non-police state platform)

Bibi's Trial

Anansi's Library - [YT =(] (somebody evidently needs a website or a channel on a non-police state platform)

My Name Is America, I make Monsters

Andreas Antonopoulos - aantonop.com

Escaping the Global Banking Cartel

Andy Bichlbaum & Mike Bonanno- The Yes Men

The Yes Men Fix the World

Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks Speaks Out About Drugs, Rock Music & Satan!

Bloomberg Investigates - Bloomberg Originals

The Forever Chemical Scandal [2023]

Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff - Consciousness of Economics [YT =(]

Interviews with Lujan Matus

Business Insider - businessinsider.com

You're Being Lied To About Ocean Plastic

Chris Hedges- [rumble]

Violence is the Last Option for Palestinians [interview with Israeli journalist Gideon Levy]


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